Our Story

A more prepared organization, both mentally and physically, is a competitive advantage. Teams that optimize their health optimize their performance.

Military Members wearing WHOOP sitting around each other

The Mission Begins to Scale

WHOOP Unite™ was born to expand upon the WHOOP® mission to unlock human performance at an organizational level. Since the company was founded in 2012, WHOOP has built a system that provides an unprecedented combination of health monitoring and personalized coaching to help anyone realize their fullest potential and perform at their best.

Our technology is distinctive, with 11 patents issued and 14 pending for novel health monitoring and analysis techniques. Our wearable is one of a kind, designed for 24/7 use with the versatility to be worn on the wrist, arm, torso, or leg. 

Research in the field drives advances in our solution and has from the beginning, culminating in today’s WHOOP 4.0. The software goes beyond simply telling people what they did; it also provides data-driven coaching on what to do next. 

Early on we attracted a loyal following from elite athletes like Michael Phelps and Patrick Mahomes. However, we always knew that optimizing health performance and mental agility was required in a wide range of populations, including collegiate athletes, government and public service members, and employees across industries. WHOOP is a solution for anyone who aspires to live healthier and perform better.

Discovering Benefits for Organizations

Our early advocates across athletics, government and defense, and business saw profound changes in their sleep performance, resulting in both mental and physical health improvements. These organizations realized their people needed additional support to optimize performance. Leaders wanted to more clearly understand how their teams were showing up each day and did not have the data or insights available to provide these answers. 

We created WHOOP Unite to enable organizations to help their people succeed, creating a community of shared goals and accountability to ignite improved health and outcomes. WHOOP Unite is a comprehensive solution that includes tools, data-driven insights, and tailored recommendations for both organizations and individuals. It enables policy and habit changes based on the aggregated data of individual end users, allowing leaders and administrators to create resilience programs to support the populations they serve. 

Continuously Optimize Performance

WHOOP Unite has the privilege of serving diverse audiences. What they all hold in common at an organizational level is the desire to create an overall culture committed to improving physical and mental performance. We are grounded in the principle that when people show up for the organization, the organization needs to show up for them. Investing in better health drives better outcomes and more wins, including improved athletic performance, successful military missions, and higher-performing employees. 

Make Recovery a Habit, Not an Event

We partner with customers to help set a new precedent for how they view recovery and performance. WHOOP Unite encourages continuous improvement. We believe in sustainable change, not short-term perks.

Protect Privacy and Build Trust

WHOOP Unite allows for data visibility when and where our customers and end users want it. We invest heavily in features and security to protect personal data, always evaluating our privacy practices to align with or exceed best practices and standards. Supporting your team begins with assuring privacy and continuously reinforcing trust for everyone involved.

Ready to optimize team performance with biometric data?

Contact us to see what WHOOP Unite can do for your organization. 

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